Memorial Service

2012 June 10

Created by Tanya 11 years ago
Today your memorial service is being held at SRI in Menlo Park. I am sure it will be a grand turnout! I am so sorry not to be there, but am definitely thinking of you and all the family today. I miss you terribly, but am very grateful for all of the time we had together, all of the sweet moments sitting on the sofa talking and just being next to each other, holding hands. You never failed to provide your guests with a story or an interesting anecdote. I loved how full of life you were, and how well you related to people. You were adored by family and friends alike! You definitely made an impression on people - so many of my friends still remember you after only meeting you once. I am trying to remain stoic about all of this, especially because I know you knew how much I loved and admired you. But in truth I am weepy, sad and missing you terribly. I wish I had made it out to see you one last time for one more hug. Love you. Tanya